Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 1

We've left the dock, after two weeks at Van Isle Marina in Sidney BC. The boat's "loaded" with supplies for the next three months! We're sitting in Friday Harbor (sic), and we've just had tea at the top of the dock, at the same restaurant we went to 10 years ago with Jane's parents.... although Conor and Eoin did try to catch tea off the dock.. there is good shrimping around here.

The plan is to spend a few days in the San Juans, before heading back into Canada, then north ... The boys have had there first Orca sighting, off the Vancouver - Victoria ferry, and we spotted lots of porpoises and seals on the crossing over today... so hopefully that is a good omen for the wild life sightings over the summer.

We'll try to keep you posted ever few days and post some photos whenever we're at a dock with internet connection...

These shots are of hut building and hanging out on Princess Margarget Marine Park on a day trip we took out of Sidney. That's Ilari in the background...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While in the San Juans, check out Spencer Spit on Lopez and be sure to keep a look-out for bunnies!

Kris & Bob